Plan the Perfect Date

Humans are born with the desire to interact with other humans. Whether it is to find a serious relationship or for socialization purposes, dating is one of the most common ways people fulfill the need for human contact.

Dating can be a tricky road to navigate. Technology has made it more accessible, but also more complicated. There used to be a lot of black and white rules to dating. For example, dating used to mean a meal and maybe a movie. But, now there are other dating options like a strict coffee date, speed dating, and even long-distance dates over Skype.

How do you plan for the perfect date? Considering that each person is an aggregate of their likes and dislikes, past experiences, and future plans, it can be hard to figure out what to do. Here we give a rundown of some of the steps for a memorable dating experience.

7 Ways to Plan the Perfect Date

  1. Know what the other person wants
  2. Consider what you want to do
  3. Do your research
  4. Add a twist to the expectations
  5. Know about dietary restrictions
  6. Prepare for the conversation
  7. Make the follow-up

The Top Seven Explained

Dates can happen at any point in a relationship: first dates, casual dating, and dating while in a relationship. In any of those situations, making the effort to plan for a good time can yield high marks. As with many other things in the world, battles are often won in the preparation stage. Of course, spontaneity will always have its charm, but a perfect date can be achieved if plans are made beforehand.

The foundational rule of a good date is knowing what the other person wants. Have an idea of the likes and dislikes of the person. For example, if they are outdoorsy and adventurous, then an active date like trying out a sport is a good option for a date. If the other person is into literature, then investigate poetry reading sessions offered around the city.

These details are often picked up from conversations. But what about in the instances where there is simply not enough information available? The most failsafe solution is to be direct and ask the other person what he or she wants to do.

However, the expectations of the other person are just one part of the equation. Personal preferences also need to be taken into account. After all, a date should be mutually enjoyable. Do not plan for a date night at a rock concert if loud sounds are migraine-inducing for you.

Google is a readily available source of information. Take advantage of it. Find interesting events or undiscovered restaurant gems by researching what the city has to offer. Going beyond the usual hotspots and events can instantly make a date special.

However, even dates at the typical places can stand out if there is extra effort. For example, arrange for a bottle of wine from the year of their birth to be brought over to the table when dining at a restaurant. It can be the exact same setting, but the plot twist makes the difference.

The backbone of a good date is knowing that the other person made the effort to plan it for you specifically. This kind of consideration is quite tangible when choosing a place to eat at. Take note of the meal preferences of the other person when planning a date. Do they have any allergies or dietary restrictions?Knowing the answers to these questions will dictate the kind of restaurants to go to.

Conversations are supposed to flow easily. There is nothing wrong coming armed with some prepared questions beforehand. The questions function as a guide and not a checklist. For example, if the other person likes art then it can be a wise investment to read up on the subject and ask questions about their favorite artist.

Not only will you appear more knowledgeable, but you also give the other person a chance to relax by having them talk about something that interests them. Having prepared questions can also help ease the nerves, especially during the first couple of dates.

When it comes to conversations, there is an old belief which says that polite conversation stays away from politics and religion. It makes sense, for the most part. Restricting hot topics can also mean missing out on the opportunity to get to know the other person. Also, some of the liveliest conversations come from topics that people are passionate about. In the end, the conversation should be directed by proper communication – listening to the other person, taking note of non-verbal cues, and also contributing to the conversation. As long as both are able to talk about topics without being too riled up, then allow the conversation to go the way it goes.

Finally, a perfect date ends with a sincere thank you. Get in touch with the person after the date if you said you will. If there is no interest in further communication after the date, then do not promise to do so.