Do You Know The Signs of HSDD?

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One of the more common and misunderstood conditions a woman can face is hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). This can also be called female sexual interest/arousal disorder. With this condition, women lose the urge or joy from the sexual act. They no longer develop thoughts or fantasies and they do not find intercourse to be pleasurable or desirable. Many with HSDD simply have no interest in any form of sexual activity. 

The condition is more common than people may realize due to the numerous causes. These numerous causes mean that treatment is often very different and specialized for each individual. Being able to self diagnose this is yourself or a loved one, can lead to seeing a doctor early and getting treatment as needed. 

Examining Causes

When looking at a complicated issue like HSDD, it’s important to note that there are multiple different causes. It’s especially common for women to suffer from more than one of the reasons to get HSDD and they combine together as causes. Causes can typically be broken down into physical and emotional. Physical include diseases, physical damage and medication side effects. Emotional causes include past sexual abuse, lack of trust in a partner or mental conditions like depression, anxiety and lack of self esteem. No matter what the cause is, seeing a doctor is the most important first step to attempt to alleviate the issues that come with HSDD. 

Treatment Options

As mentioned earlier, treatment will be designed for each individual with HSDD in mind. No two causes are exactly the same, and therefore neither will the treatments. Many people suffer from HSDD as a side effect of medications they are taking for other health conditions. In these situations, a doctor will attempt to find alternative medications which do the same thing, but perhaps have a different set of side effects. 

Since stress and fatigue are powerful causes of HSDD, treatment could also focus on ways to work around them. This could include physical relief like exercise and meditation. It could include some training on how to better manage stress and not overload one’s schedule. Hormonal causes can be solved through hormone therapy or potentially replacement. This can come in the form of medication, creams or other options directly applied. 

Finally, for those suffering from emotional causes of HSDD, it’s very common for therapy to come into play. There are many specialist therapists which can assist the individual, or the woman and her partner in some therapy to alleviate and work through some of the emotional damage that leads to HSDD. 

Questions and Answers:

HSDD is not a simple condition by any means. It’s likely that you have many questions about it and the causes. What follows are some common ones. If you have more, consult your doctor! Don't stay in the dark about HSDD. 

Q: Is there something wrong with me if I have HSDD? 

A: Absolutely not. You’re not responsible for the causes of this condition. 

Q: How will my doctor figure out I have HSDD? 

A: Since there are many different causes, it’s likely they may take a blood test to start. A pelvic exam will also assist in determining physical problems. Questions about your history and lifestyle will also be asked. 

Q: Will I need to change my diet?

A: Typically, as long as a diet is healthy, it won’t need much change. Reducing alcohol intake can help as it alters desire in many people. 

Q: What can I do with my partner to improve HSDD? 

A: Love is important and trust is critical to many women. Building a deeper relationship with your partner and strengthening or building trust can alleviate this cause of HSDD.