Migraine Pain Relief Isn't Just a Fantasy

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Migraine attacks are severely painful and it can be hard for a person who suffers with them to do their day-to-day activities. A migraine will cause throbbing pain on one side of the head. Migraines will also cause other symptoms like sensitivity to light and sound as well as nausea. The pain can be disabling to the point where the person that suffers cannot do anything. Migraine pain can last for hours or even days. For some people, they have warning symptoms of the migraine attack. This includes tingling on one side of the face or the arm, blind spots, or aura. Migraines can affect both young and old. It is not uncommon for children to have migraines as well as the elderly. There are medications out there that can help alleviate the symptoms of migraines. However, for some sufferers, it will not stop it altogether. There are a few lifestyle changes like avoiding triggers that people can do to help alleviate migraines. It is important for someone who suffers from migraine, see their doctor.

Migraine Symptoms

Migraines can hit a person at any age and often begin in childhood. There are early symptoms of migraines that may trigger the coming of a migraine. These symptoms are mood changes, food cravings, constipation, neck stiffness, increased urination, and frequent yawning. This is known as the prodrome phase. For some people, they will have an aurora. Aurora’s include visual disturbances and vision loss. Weakness or numbness, difficulty speaking, hearing noises or music, uncontrollable jerking, and pins and needles sensations in the arm or leg are all symptoms of a pending migraine attack.

The migraine attack can last from anywhere from 4 hours to three days. The migraine symptoms are pain that feels like is throbbing or pulsing, sensitivity to light and sound, lightheadedness, sensitivity to smell, nausea and vomiting, and pain on one side or both sides of your head. After the migraine attack, you may feel drained or elated. You may also experience weakness, sensitivity to light and sound, moodiness, confusion and dizziness. This is known as the postdrome phase of the migraine attack

Cluster Migraines

Cluster migraines are one of the most painful conditions that a person can go through. Cluster migraine headaches cause one-sided pain. This is generally centered over one eye, around the temple or right at the forehead. Cluster headaches are typically experienced at a similar time each day. For some people, the headache starts at night. The pain can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours. Some people may experience cluster migraines over several days. For some people, who have severe cases of cluster migraines, these attacks can cause pain eight times or more a day. Symptoms of cluster migraines include a runny nose, clogged nose, watery eyes, redness of one eye, sweating face, and flushed face. It is important that someone who suffers from cluster migraines go to their doctor as soon as possible. This pain is so severe that people may find that the only thing they can do is try to walk the pain off. A patient should go to their doctor as soon as possible so their doctor can come up with a treatment plan for these cluster migraines.

Migraine Treatment Options

There are several different treatments out there that can help us migraines and cluster migraines. There are pharmaceuticals including anti-anxiety medication, blood pressure medication, pain medication, and antidepressants that can help alleviate the pain. However, these treatments are not always effective. They may treat the initial symptoms of the migraine and even helps minimize some of the pain, but they do not get the migraines to stop altogether. It is important that a person takes their time to do some lifestyle changes. Migraines may be triggered by different factors, so it is important to keep a headache diary. Having a diary can keep records on when a person has the migraines as well as what the patient has eaten for the day. It is important for a patient to look for triggers so that they can avoid that trigger. If a person starts a migraine they need to ensure that they take any medication prescribed in a dark room and rest. A patient who suffers from migrants also is to make sure that they are hydrated, and they get enough sleep during the night.