There Are Ways to Stop Thinning Hair

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Dealing with thinning hair can be extremely difficult. It can impact self-esteem and leave those suffering desperate for something that will work. The average person loses about 100 hairs each day. This loss is not usually noticeable because new hair continues to grow. When something happens to prevent new hair from growing, thinning hair becomes a problem. Heredity is the most common cause and is known as pattern baldness for either men or women. Other things that can cause thinning hair are hormonal changes, certain medical conditions, some medications and supplements, dandruff and stress. Certain hairstyles that pull the hair tightly, such as ponytails and cornrows, and certain hair treatments, such as permanents, can also lead to hair loss. Many options exist for treating thinning hair, including special shampoos. A variety of shampoos are available over-the-counter and by prescription that focus on treating the problem of thinning hair.

How Does Thinning Hair Shampoo Work?

Both prescription and over-the-counter options are available for those with thinning hair. A medication called ketoconazole is often found in prescription formulas. It is thought to work by blocking the action of two hormones, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which can impede hair growth. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to keep the scalp clean and free of oil build-up, which can contribute to hair loss. Biotin, a natural ingredient, is found in over-the-counter shampoos and may help make hair thicker and stronger. It does this by helping the body to make more keratin, the building block of hair. Caffeine is another popular ingredient that may help promote hair growth by limiting the action of testosterone, which can cause hair loss. Saw palmetto, an extract from the fruit of the saw palmetto tree, has been used for centuries to treat hair loss. It is not entirely clear how it works to treat thinning hair, but it is believed it may play a role in regulating testosterone and DHT hormones.

Thinning Hair Shampoo for Women

Although more often seen in men, women can experience the pain of thinning hair as well. Some common causes include hormonal imbalances, medical conditions like anemia and thyroid disorders, stress and aging. Determining the cause of hair loss is essential to picking the right treatment approach. For those who are unsure, a doctor or hair loss specialist can help women pinpoint the exact cause for their thinning hair. Below are some options to consider:

  • Female pattern baldness: A prescription shampoo is a good choice for this condition, which is often influenced by hormones. These prescription shampoos may slightly alter the hormonal balance to ensure that the female pattern baldness stops. 
  • Dandruff: This is a common problem that is only a step away from hair thinning if not treated. Using a good quality dandruff shampoo and conditioner can help to decrease scalp inflammation and lessen hair loss.
  • Thinning hair: Several ingredients in shampoo can help to thicken hair. The hair regains the strength and vitality it had before it started to get thinner. 

Thinning Hair Shampoo for Men

Male pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair thinning in men. Other causes of thinning hair in men include illness, medication, thyroid disorders, dandruff and stress. A doctor can help determine the cause of thinning hair and recommend treatment strategies. For thinning hair due to male pattern baldness, prescription strength ketoconazole shampoo can help prevent the weakening of hair follicles, from the hormone DHT, and help promote hair growth. Shampoos with caffeine or saw palmetto may also help promote hair growth. To achieve thicker hair, try a commercially available shampoo formulated to address thinning hair. Many of these formulas work by using targeted ingredients to cleanse the scalp and boost moisture and volume. If dandruff is an issue, look for a good quality shampoo. The active ingredients found in a dandruff shampoo can keep those white flakes from coming back.